Displayed albums: 11-17 / 17
47 East Grove Street, Middleboro, MA 16,000 S.F.New
Construction of office building and tenant fit-up.
New Bedford, MA Renovation and refurbishing of a warehouse
building consisting of 74,600 S.F.of warehouse and 10,400
S.F.of office area.
Martha’s Vineyard Interior work and Exterior Renovation of
Existing Facilities.
Brookline, MA 2nd Floor School Renovation and Meeting room
elevation with incorporation of new elevator.
Brockton, MA Renovation and expansion for our new 3,000 S.F.office.
Redevelopment and construction of an existing over 55 community in the seaside town of Mattapoisett, MA. As of June 2015 the final unit has been put under agreement for a July closing.